Behind The Scenes for our current productions.
Documentary Films
When you choose Build Something Media, you're opting for quality and dedication in documentary filmmaking. We utilize top-tier cinema cameras and can travel anywhere in the world to capture your vision. Our pricing starts at under a thousand dollars per minute, making it feasible to create a powerful narrative that you can be proud of.
Cinema Quality
We don't pull any punches so your vision becomes a stunning reality. As a documentary filmmakers, we specialize in capturing real moments and emotions that resonate. Using cutting-edge technology and a keen eye for detail, we ensure every project reflects the authenticity and passion behind your story.
We’ll work with you and your team to create a story that hits the right emotional notes at the right times. With options like original music, motion graphics, location scouting, and historical research, you’ll have everything you need to make your story come to life in a meaningful and impactful way.